How Much Do You Know About Eating Naturally?

27/06/2012 22:05


Do you know the kinds of food items you need to put on your caveman diet shopping list? The great news about being on a Paleo meal plan is that you will notice more freedom than you have on various other diets. There is a simple question that you can ask to help determine what you can or can not eat. Would a caveman eat this? Just keep saying this to yourself and you will be getting close
Remember, the Paleo diet is centered on eating foods that our bodies were supposed to eat. Our ancestors did not have sugar, processed foods, and sodas. The hunter gatherer concept was in full swing with people only eating the food they caught and the berries and seeds and veggies that they could find. There was no such thing as a cheese burger or a caesar salad dressing. And yet, they were exceptionally wholesome and very strong. After all, they needed to wake up every morning, hunt food, put together food, locate a shelter, and look after their family members. All of these things take a massive amount of strength and stamina.
Only things which a caveman could potentially have consumed should get onto your paleo diet grocery list. They are the things that contain high amounts of natural energy. And among the best means to do that is to include a lean meat to your list. Lean meats contain lots of protein and protein is responsible for fast weight loss and makes you feel full for a greater period of time. So you have to add steak, poultry, turkey, and low fat hamburgers to your grocery list. And make sure you cut off the excess fat that you find on the meat before you eat it. Yet another great idea with meat is to seek organic or grass fed meat. After all, if the animals have been consuming processed foods, then you won't get the levels of protein that you are looking for.
Seeds and nuts are also a very important part of your Paleo diet plan. Not only do they make you feel full, but they are easy to pick up and take anywhere. Many times we find ourselves on empty stomach and stuck in gridlock or at the office without our healthy and balanced food. But if you keep a pouch of mixed nuts and seeds with you, you will be able to conveniently stay with your healthy paleo meal plan all day long.
A good supply of organic fruit and vegetables should be maintained in your home for the essential nutrients not found in any animal produce.
Last but not least, you want to add some beverages to your grocery list. You should absolutely cut out sweet soda pops. Health-wise, you might want to carry on having the odd sugar-free pop now and then and tea and coffee drinks can be drank black and without sugars or sweetener. This part of the weight-reduction plan causes much debate, so do what is right for you.
Making a Paleo diet shopping list may seem intimidating at first, but it does not need to be. Simply follow the mantra "would a caveman eat this?". Also, don't forget to put several beverages on your shopping list, just be sure to check out what those beverages contain before you purchase them.
There's loads more to learn about this relatively new concept. For more information please check out the following great sites:

There's heaps of useful information for getting you started on your path to a healthier lifestyle today!